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Architectural detailing inspiration
By Curator Blogger // Wed 22nd May 2024
Curator, Tapestry Drawing Room, Entablature
At Castle Howard rich architectural detailing can be found all over the building. One of the main features of the principal rooms are the ornate cornice, frieze, and architrave, collectively known as an entablature. These are the decorative sections at the top of the walls which abut the ceiling. An entablature is a feature taken from classical architecture and was used in the interiors by Vanbrugh and Hawksmoor as they were designing in a classical idiom.
During the construction of the House at the beginning of the eighteenth century, specialist craftspeople and joiners fitted out the interiors, turning the architects plans into reality. Some were local, such as Samuel Carpenter, whereas others travelled from London and further afield, like Daniel Herve. Our archives contain numerous bills for the work they did.
These special details in the House provided inspiration when planning the restoration of the Tapestry Drawing Room. We closely examined the entablatures in the Music Room and Crimson Dining Room, as well as that in the Tapestry Drawing Room from images taken before the fire, to ensure that the new room would echo the architectural language of the House.
We’ll be sharing more in the coming weeks about the ongoing work in the Tapestry Drawing Room.

During your next visit, be sure to look up in the Crimson Dining Room, where you’ll find in the frieze, the Howard Lion, the family’s armorial emblem!